[olug] Live CD that scans for Windows viruses?

Rob Townley rob.townley at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 20:59:10 UTC 2005

I have used SysRescCD.org's bootable CD and  found it to be the best,
it can update its virus defintions while booted from the cd which most
others do not offer.  The commercial sw out there often does not do
this either.

It has a text based web broweser you can use to read the manual from the cd.
Follow the directions carefully to update the AV definitions using
freshclam and then follow the directions carefully to run clamscan.

SysRescCD's supports the captive-ntfs system to write to a NTFS
formatted harddrive, but i had problems successfully deleting infected
files from NTFS.  The live cd would say it deleted a file, but it was
still there upon reboot. Since you have Win98, that will not be a

p.s. SysRescCD has many many other tools.

On Sun, 6 Mar 2005 18:19:25 -0600, Dave Thacker <dthacker9 at cox.net> wrote:
> Is there a live CD or toolkit that I could use to boot a dead (Windows
> protection error) W98SE system and run a virus scan on the Windows
> partitions?
> DT
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