[olug] OLUG mailing list suggestion(s)

Tim & Alethea Larson thelarsons3 at cox.net
Fri Nov 11 12:10:31 UTC 2005

OBrien, Timothy wrote:
> <quote who="VHP3">
> [snipped]
>>* one list for selling/trading stuff - it seems to be
>>that popular
> [snipped]
> Better suggestion:
> http://omaha.craigslist.com/sys/

I post stuff here to give y'all a couple days heads up before going to 
craigslist.  If you'd rather find it on your own without the notice, 
fine by me.

Personally I don't mind the OT stuff.  I'm a geek - I like swapping old 
junk with other geeks, I like talking politics with other geeks. 
Especially when they're guys I "know" from listening in on the ongoing 
conversation that is the OLUG list.  Frankly, I think I'd get bored if 
this list was only hard-core kernel discussion all the time, or 
something like that.


Tim & Alethea

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