[olug] Novell/SuSE - On topic? 8)

Eric P eric.maillist at gmail.com
Sun Nov 13 01:56:21 UTC 2005

Craig Wolf wrote:
> This really make me nervous about the direction of Novell/SuSE since
> SuSE has been my Distro of choice as well as for the InstallFest for
> years.  I know that SuSE Pro went OpenSuSE but still a concern since the
> info about layoffs came out with a focus in Germany.
> http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=2142

Yeah, I was a SuSE guy from day 1.  However, I switched to Debian
earlier this year, and I what I really learned from the switch is
that Linux is Linux.  There are plenty of competent distros out
there.  Of course, I'd hate to see Novell mess up SuSE somehow.  I
thought I read on Slashdot that Novell was reconsidering their drop
of KDE support/development in favor of Gnome.

Ah... just found the link.

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