[olug] OT : Applewriter Printer I can borrow?

Matthew Platte plattem at inetnebr.com
Fri Oct 7 18:28:04 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-10-07 at 07:13 -0700, Eric Lusk wrote:
> I've got a client computer running MacOS 6.1, which
> needs to have data copied or printed.  I haven't tried
> this disk on any of the old Macs I have, since I just
> moved and am still getting organized.
> So, does anyone have an old Apple printer I can
> borrow?  Or just something to email this data off of? 
> I can probably email it to my windows system if I can
> get it to read ok in OS9, but that will take a few
> days to dig things out....

On my Ubuntu workstation I read old skool Mac diskettes like this:

  mount -t hfs /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0

Matt Platte

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