[olug] remote monitoring and remote backup server software

Jaymz Ringler jringler at unitedtransport.net
Sat Sep 3 18:34:18 UTC 2005

On Sat, 2005-09-03 at 06:09 -0700, Eric Lusk wrote:
> I'm in the process of setting up a server for remote
> backup and remote monitoring for multiple clients.
> I've had Nagios set up on a server at one point, but
> it seems to be a little quirky; after a reboot I lost
> access to my CGI scripts.
> I'm thinking Bacula for the remote backup, but was
> curious whether anyone has had success with anything
> else for WAN-type backups?
> Thanks for any input.

I use Zabbix for monitoring..  

"Unix Backups" from O'Reilly takes an up close and in depth look at
backups from every angle.  There's a supplemental website that has info
about free backup utilities as well some scripts that have been around
for years.

The unix programs:


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