[olug] remote monitoring and remote backup server software

Eric Lusk wyrmzr72 at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 4 14:39:17 UTC 2005

I'm actually thinking about just looking for a Windows
client that will either 1) sftp into my server
automatically and back up their data, or 2) encrypt
their data and ftp in.  There's a lot of software out
there for remote Windows backups, and 99% of my
clients are running Windows, so why not use what's
already running, and reliable, on my server?  With
standard ftp, my clients are going to have some very
unusual usernames and long, complicated passwords, but
that's why it's going to be automated....
No remote root logins allowed on my servers; I don't
even normally run ftp.

--- Dave Hull <dphull at insipid.com> wrote:

> Quoting Dave Hull <dphull at insipid.com>:
> > I ran Amanda at my previous place of employment. I
> was backing up a 
> > couple dozen boxes
> I forgot to mention that the backup server was RHEL
> 3, backing up 
> Solaris, Linux
> and Windows machines. Don't know if there's a MAC
> client or not.
> -- 
> Dave Hull
> http://insipid.com
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