[olug] Saving email messages, bookmark files and addressbook entries

Craig Wolf CJWolf at mpsomaha.org
Mon Apr 10 12:56:13 UTC 2006

Joe, How much space are we talking about?  I could give you some space
on my webserver (ftp) just long enough for you to get the new system up
and then copy them back down...let me know.  8)

Craig Wolf
Linux Web Server Support
Desktop/Network Specialist

>>> jrguliz at yahoo.com 4/8/2006 >>>
I'm planning on switching distro's but want to save my
email messages, web bookmarks, edresses, and some
documents first.  Where do I find these files?  Using
Thunderbird for email and primarily Firefox for web

Mainly my current OS doesn't like external USB hard
drives (global permissions can't be set). The floppy
drive can't be accessed (not found or not mounted)I
can't get any media player to play the .mp4 video
files I need to check, either.

Thank you
Joe Gulizia

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