[olug] summary Re: wifi device driver exploits

Brian Wiese bwiese at cotse.com
Fri Aug 25 11:40:55 UTC 2006

Thanks Phil... that ISC diary report sums it up well.

Here's the presentation from the cons:

Again, a note that Intel confirms this stuff is true

Finally, I just want to say "give credit where it is due".  The two
researchers behind this groundbreaking work have been viewed with much
skeptism and have been pretty much abused by Apple and others in the media
(http://apple.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/08/18/1323201).  Since I know
Johnny and have just had the insight now to see how different this news is
treated internally (with lawyers, businesses, school, etc) and externally
in the media (sometimes as close to lies/slander as you can get)... I just
hope in time that these 2 men receive the just recognition and praise in
popular opinion as they deserve.


Phil Brammer said:
> ISC also talked about this:
> http://isc.sans.org/diary.php?storyid=1540
> Video of the break-in:
> http://news.com.com/Flawed+Wi-Fi+drivers+can+expose+PCs/1606-2_3-6101573.html?tag=fd_cars
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