[olug] K3B works to create an ISO image BUT gives errors when creating other CD's

Noel Leistad noel at metc.net
Thu Jun 22 13:09:30 UTC 2006

This may not be helpful at ALL, but have you considered slowing down the 
write-speed?  Probably old-fashioned but for me it's just an old habit....

Joe Gulizia wrote:

>I'm using Kubuntu 5.10 Breezy Badger (Linux kernel
>2.6)...and currently attempting to make a compilation
>audio CD from other audio CD's.
>I can burn an ISO image with no problem or errors
>When I burned a new data disk...I got the "problem
>fixating the disk" BUT the disk worked on another
>machine.  (WINDOWS XP OS which is what I intended).
>The new audio disk doesn't let me get as far.  I
>usually get a "writer doesn't like medium" or some
>other similar message.
>I have attempted to RTFM with no real insight on what
>to fix.
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#  Noel Leistad                                       #
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