[olug] A Mac Question

Matthew Anderson manders2k.lists at gmail.com
Sat Oct 7 14:59:50 UTC 2006

I'm pretty sure that Tiger will run fine on this machine, but to  
install it you'd need to put the HDD destined for the G3 in a newer  
mac (a G4 or G5 PowerMac with an IDE bus) with a DVD drive and  
install it there.  Or get an external firewire enclosure, put the  
drive in that, and hook it up to a newer mac that can boot on  
firewire.  Then just pull it back out and put it in the G3.  You  
probably could also upgrade the machine with a mac compatible DVD  
drive, though I don't know if there are any gotchas in doing that  
(never done it).

I don't think any G3s have a target disk mode (unfortunately).  The  
first G4 (Yikes!) model doesn't have target disk mode either --  
everything newer than that though does I believe.

On Oct 6, 2006, at 3:40 PM, Joe Gulizia wrote:

> We have a PowerMac G3 at work where the hard drive has
> gone bad.  We can't get a new hard drive to boot and
> have no idea where the OS disk for the machine is.  We
> do have a newer version of MAC OS X (10.4.6 on
> DVD)...The machine doesn't have a DVD drive just a CD
> drive.
> We have tried Ubuntu PowerPC but not sure if the disc
> image(ISO)that was burnt is correct or bootable.
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  Matt Anderson

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