[olug] A Mac Question

Christopher R. White slaeyer at gmail.com
Sat Oct 7 22:22:50 UTC 2006

In my experience, only Sawtooth and higher G4s (or G3s released after 
them) can use FireWire Target disk mode.  Alternatively, you can try to 
find a copy of 10.4 on CD (bittorrent?) or exchange your copy on DVD for 
a CD set from Apple (for a slight fee of course).  If none of the above 
seems viable, removing the drive and placing it into another machine is 
probably the best bet.  It's an easy process and OS X installs with all 
the files needed to run every mac made by default.

Matthew Anderson wrote:
> I'm pretty sure that Tiger will run fine on this machine, but to  
> install it you'd need to put the HDD destined for the G3 in a newer  
> mac (a G4 or G5 PowerMac with an IDE bus) with a DVD drive and  
> install it there.  Or get an external firewire enclosure, put the  
> drive in that, and hook it up to a newer mac that can boot on  
> firewire.  Then just pull it back out and put it in the G3.  You  
> probably could also upgrade the machine with a mac compatible DVD  
> drive, though I don't know if there are any gotchas in doing that  
> (never done it).
> I don't think any G3s have a target disk mode (unfortunately).  The  
> first G4 (Yikes!) model doesn't have target disk mode either --  
> everything newer than that though does I believe.
> On Oct 6, 2006, at 3:40 PM, Joe Gulizia wrote:
>> We have a PowerMac G3 at work where the hard drive has
>> gone bad.  We can't get a new hard drive to boot and
>> have no idea where the OS disk for the machine is.  We
>> do have a newer version of MAC OS X (10.4.6 on
>> DVD)...The machine doesn't have a DVD drive just a CD
>> drive.
>> We have tried Ubuntu PowerPC but not sure if the disc
>> image(ISO)that was burnt is correct or bootable.
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