[olug] Uptime

George Neill georgen at neillnet.com
Tue Oct 24 05:52:03 UTC 2006

Of course I didn't pay much attention to posting what the box did,  
sorry.  It is a SUN box (does that count?) and it's primary function  
is NIS.  Unfortunately, this box will get replaced by an ADS.

Another SUN box @ work (E6000), doesn't really touch some of your  
uptimes ... (wow) but it tips the 'geek' meter with 24 CPUs.  It's  
about to be decommissioned and will hopefully land in my basement.

georgen at maya: uptime                                                    
  12:41am  up 401 day(s),  3:19,  4 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.01, 0.01
georgen at maya: psrinfo                                                   
0       on-line   since 09/17/05 21:21:58
1       on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
4       on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
5       on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
8       on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
9       on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
12      on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
13      on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
14      on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
15      on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
16      on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
17      on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
18      on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
19      on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
20      on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
21      on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
22      on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
23      on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
24      on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
25      on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
26      on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
27      on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
30      on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58
31      on-line   since 09/17/05 21:22:58

Quoting Christopher Cashell <topher-olug at zyp.org>:

> Hash: SHA1
> At Mon, 23 Oct 06, Unidentified Flying Banana Adam Haeder, said:
>> It's time for the semi-annual (or whatever) uptime report. Post your best
>> current uptime for a system and describe it's usage.
> Best for machines I manage (machine names changed due to our security
> policies):
> workmachine1:~# uptime ; uname -a ; cat /etc/redhat-release
>  10:06am  up 1042 days, 16:17,  0 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.09, 0.04
> Linux workmachine1 2.4.18-27.7.x #1 Fri Mar 14 06:44:53
> EST 2003 i686 unknown
> Red Hat Linux release 7.2 (Enigma)
> workmachine2:~# uptime ; uname -a ; cat /etc/redhat-release
>  12:42am  up 1028 days, 16:34,  0 users,  load average: 0.46, 0.97, 1.16
> Linux workmachine2 2.4.18-27.7.x #1 Fri Mar 14 06:44:53
> EST 2003 i686 unknown
> Red Hat Linux release 7.2 (Enigma)
> These are a couple of machines that sit in a corner and never get
> touched (although they are active and provide services).  They just keep
> on going, and they're way beyond anything else I deal with.
> As for home. . . well, I rearranged my home network a couple of months
> ago, and lost my (home record) 270 day uptime.  My current best home
> machine:
> nexus@~$ uptime ; uname -a ; cat /etc/debian_version
>  23:45:29 up 78 days, 21:26,  7 users,  load average: 1.16, 0.53, 0.46
> Linux nexus 2.6.16-2-686-smp #1 SMP Sat Jul 15 22:33:00 UTC 2006 i686
> GNU/Linux
> testing/unstable
> This is my multi-function machine.  It hosts a couple of services, and
> is where I do most development and light testing.
>> Adam Haeder
> - --
> | Christopher
> +------------------------------------------------+
> | Here I stand.  I can do no other.              |
> +------------------------------------------------+
> iD8DBQFFPZ8qEhJxA932ZEYRAhLPAJ47mzxj1T2INpnO2iRdP4Yo8+zpGgCgrJwh
> 4mWA1wR1uMKudG4ULB3lmJY=
> =VPiQ
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