[olug] Intro

Adam Lassek adam.lassek at gmail.com
Sat Feb 24 01:27:42 UTC 2007

Our founder, Brian Roberson, was involved with Samba.


> > Okay, that's enough about me, what about you?
> > How active is the list? Group? Site?(site hasn't been updated in a
> > while... are there still meetings being held? if so, when? Is anyone
> > actively involved in any projects? and last but not least, is anyone
> > interested in joining a Linux Advocacy group?
> Meetings are still held the first Tuesday of the month at the AIM
> lab, just like the site says. I don't go often enough. We also hold
> bi-yearly installfests for new users on a weekend. You just missed
> the last one not too long ago. Some of the more active people are
> nice enough to put together a presence at the local IT conference
> some years as well.
> What do you mean by projects? I've sent some patches, but that's
> about it.

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