[olug] Intro

OBrien, Timothy IrishMASMS at olug.org
Sat Feb 24 16:01:39 UTC 2007

<quote who="Travis Owens">
> Hello all!
> My name is Travis Owens and I am relocating to Omaha (currently here
> ahead of my family, following in April.)

Hey Travis - hope you enjoy your stay in Omahaw. I left about two yeas ago
for greener work pastures, but not for greener LUG pastures; hence why I
still lurk around here. ;)


> I also love PHP and will be taking my Zend PHP 5 certification test
> soon. I would consider joining/starting a PHP users group in this area
> if there is any interest! (hint)

You might want to touch base with the local Perl Mongers folk; and see if
the PHP Meetup is still gathering.

> How active is the list?

Great signal to noise ratio, sometimes playful. Ome of the reasons why I
am still lurking about.

> Group? Site?(site hasn't been updated in a while...
Very active compared to other area groups, and what I found out here in
Sin City. The web site is slowly being updated since migration to the new

> are there still meetings being held?

> if so, when?

> Is anyone actively involved in any projects?
Quite a few are - though what sort of projects are you asking about?

> and last but not least, is anyone interested in joining a Linux Advocacy

One of the main objectives for OLUG is Advocacy; hence our involvement &
booths at InfoTec, the installfests, working with NEbraska CERT, AITP, and
other local tech related organizations, and the occasional tech shows at
Offutt AFB.

Timothy "Irish" O'Brien

A: No.
Q: Should I include e-mail quotations after my reply?

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