[olug] OT - NEbraskaCERT - July 18 - CSF Announcement

Aaron Grothe ajgrothe at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 15 18:09:40 UTC 2007

Hey All,

Bob McCoy is going to be doing this month's Cyber Security Forum for NEbraskaCERT.  It is going to be about Windows PowerShell.  Bob is a great speaker and a very decent guy.

Its still not too late to RSVP.  If you can get it in by Monday PM it would be best.


"The Journey is the Reward" - Old Zen Buddhist Saying

Begin Announcement
###Omaha's Cyber Security Forum welcomes you!  July's meeting is at
11:30 a.m. on Wednesday the 18 and regular meetings will continue
to be held on the third Wednesday of each month.  Details are as follows:

Note #1:  Check the NEbraskaCERT Conference website
          http://www.CERTconf.org out July 13, 2007.  We will be posting
          the updated schedule and registration forms for the conference
          on August 14th 2007.

  TOPIC:  Windows Powershell
  BY:     Bob McCoy
          Microsoft Corporation
  WHO:    All Nebraska/Iowa Information Security Professionals
  WHEN:   Wednesday - July 18, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
  WHERE:  Johnny's Cafe
          4702 South 27th Street, Omaha, NE
  WHY:    To share information with like-minded professionals
          (and to share a FREE lunch provided you RSVP!)
  HOW:    YOU MUST RSVP to csfrsvp at nebraskacert.org and provide
your name, company, phone and email address
          by Close Of Business Monday, 16 July.

  DESCRIPTION:  Bob McCoy of Microsoft will give a presentation on
                Windows Powershell. Minimum slides Â
 mostly demo.
                This will be an introduction to the new Windows
                scripting language and environment. He will also
                discuss some of the security features available.

If those of you who have access to lists of interested individuals
would pass this message along, it would be appreciated!

I look forward to seeing you at the meeting.


Aaron J. Grothe

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