[olug] Cox Issues Was: Cox sucks

Craig Wolf CJWolf at mpsomaha.org
Thu Jul 19 13:28:27 UTC 2007

I have toured the Co-Sentry facility and from a tech point of view, they have one hell of a setup.  It is kinda expensive but not as bad as I would have thought and the people there are reasonable, not money grubbers like SOME companies around here.  They have a NOC that is staffed 24/7 that monitor all traffic in and out as well as your servers if that is part of your plan.

Pretty slick, I would go back to see how the expansion plans are going.  They were adding like another 20,000 sf last time I was there...about a year ago.

Craig Wolf
Wolf Computing Services

>>> Kenny Kant <kenny.kant at running-config.com> 7/18/2007 >>>
Doesn't First National Bank offer rack space in their data center for a
price also?  That might be an option for a hosting spot but I am sure
that costs big bucks also.   I have always wanted to go and visit
CoSentry, everything I hear is good.  I would vote for an OLUG
field-trip as a meeting idea ;)


On Wed, 2007-07-18 at 15:47 -0500, Dan Clough wrote:
> Phil Brutsche wrote:
> > Jay Swackhamer wrote:
> >   
> >> If a non-profit were formed, you could possibly get some corporate support.
> >>
> >> Hobbyist and R&D........
> >>     
> >
> > I think a non-profit was discussed at one point in the past, let me dig
> > it up... aha, March 2005, I can post the messages some place if someone
> > wants to dig through them.
> >
> > Last time it came up there was a lot of serious discussion but it
> > fizzled out, unless someone set it up and didn't tell me! It keeps
> > coming up though.
> >
> >   
> I'm wary of community datacenters - look at ChiCCP.  They've been up to 
> their ears in financial troubles ever since their main backer (Online 
> Policy Group) cut them off.  They're relying solely on member donations 
> and the goodwill of their board members - and that's in Chicago where 
> datacenters are a dime a dozen and the market is rather competitive.
> Omaha's a different breed when it comes to telecommunications.  Sure, 
> we've got STRATCOM/Offutt, but there is only one true datacenter in town 
> that offers rackspace (CoSentry).  Unless the community datacenter would 
> be located at RTU or in someone's basement, you'd be charged top-dollar 
> at CoSentry for rackspace, bandwidth (the quote I was given per Mbps was 
> in the hundreds), etc.  (In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they 
> charged you for toilet paper in the bathroom.)
> -Dan
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