[olug] Grep Sed Question

Stan Coleman stan at srcproductions.com
Mon Jun 18 17:30:42 UTC 2007

  Ops ment to send this to the group.

----- Forwarded message from stan at srcproductions.com -----
    Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 12:26:45 -0500
    From: Stan Coleman <stan at srcproductions.com>
Reply-To: Stan Coleman <stan at srcproductions.com>
Subject: Re: [olug] Grep Sed Question
      To: Will Langford

   I guess I should have provided a little more input. Didn't think 
anybody would write a nice perl script for me (learning perl is on my 
list of things to do) so I was trying to do the project with my 
limited knowledge of grep, awk and sed. Perl I'm sure would be easier 
and much better than a bash script.

   Here's what I'm trying to do. ANY suggestions are welcome. Lets say 
we have a device I'll call Bulliten Board that came with software to 
do updates with. Lets call that software Provided Software. Lets say 
the Bulliten Board also has the ability to upload data to it via FTP 
as well as the Provided Software. All pages are controlled by a text 
file on the Bulliten Board called playlist.txt. What I want to do is 
upload pages from one FTP server (lets call that FTP server External 
FTP) to the Bulliten Board even X minutes . Actually I already have 
that script up and running. What I want to do now is to make sure that 
the pages from the External FTP server stay updated correctly even if 
somebody logs onto the Bulliten Board with the Provided Software. 
Since the Provided Software doesn't know what I'm uploading via FTP 
from my External FTP server the Provided Software would remove any 
lines added or changed by External FTP server. I need a way to put the 
External FTP pages (lines in playlist.txt) back on if the Provided 
Software removes or modifies them in the playlist. If I could get the 
provided software and the external FTP server to talk to each other I 
wouldn't have a problem but to make a long network story short 
politics would prevent such a thing.

   I'm sure this is as clear as mud by now. Since the provided 
software doesn't know what I'm uploading via my external FTP server to 
the FTP server on the Bulliten Board I just thought I'd pole the 
Bulliten Board every X minutes and simple rebuild anything that the 
Provided Software might be removing or changing. The Provided Software 
only updates manually every couple of days (or weeks) so it's not a 
huge problem. Since I'm poling the box every X minutes already I just 
figured I'd take the playlist apart and rebuild it with the data 
sitting on my external FTP server.

That's were the grep sed question came in. My thinking was to check 
for any pages the external FTP Server had uploaded at the start of my 
script and then simply remove them. Then at the end of the script I'd 
cat the changes back in. That way if somebody makes a change on the 
Exteranl FTP server it gets changes every X minutes when I do other 
tasks already. Then if there are no changes on the external FTP Server 
it simply puts the original lines back in. [The more I write to help 
clear this up the more confused your probably getting.]

   I'm sure somebody that's done a lot of Perl scripting is say, "Why 
would you want to go to all that trouble?" The answer is you work with 
what you know until you learn something else.

Example of a playlist.txt  file:
2.00 *632803561124310484
          ,        ,       ,      ,000000,                    , ,<DISSOLVE> S
        SU,        ,       ,      ,000000,                    , ,Food-Monday
          ,        ,       ,      ,000000,                    , ,<DISSOLVE> S
         M,        , 000000,130000,000000,                    , ,Food-Monday
          ,        ,       ,      ,000000,                    , ,<DISSOLVE> S
         M,        , 130000,      ,000000,                    , ,Food-Tuesday
          ,        ,       ,      ,000000,                    , ,<DISSOLVE> S
         T,        , 010000,130000,000000,                    , ,Food-Tuesday
          ,        ,       ,      ,000000,                    , ,<DISSOLVE> S
         T,        , 130000,      ,000000,                    ,  
          ,        ,       ,      ,000000,                    , ,<DISSOLVE> S
         W,        , 000000,130000,000000,                    , ,Food-W
          ,        ,       ,      ,000000,                    , ,<DISSOLVE> S
  06182007,07042007,       ,      ,000010,                    , ,July4th-1
          ,        ,       ,      ,000000,                    , ,<DISSOLVE> S
        MW,        , 080000,110000,000008,                    ,  

   File is divided into two lines for each page. Information on first 
line is just
for an effect (but must be there). Second line contains the start 
date, end date,
start time and end time. Page name is at the end of the second line.

   While it would be a piece of cake to grep for say, "Whatchamacalit" 
I still need
to get the line before it removed as well, that is unless somebody 
comes up with
a better way to do it.

Another thought I had was to just reserve the last 10 lines or so for 
the external
FTP Server lines and the use sed to remove the last 10 lines of the 
file before I
rebuild the list. Of course that means the I have to do more education 
for the person
running the Provided Software.

   [In case somebody is wondering I'm not making money off this 
project. It's for a public

> On 6/16/07, Christopher Cashell <topher-olug at zyp.org> wrote:
>> At Fri, 15 Jun 07, Unidentified Flying Banana Stan Coleman, said:
>> > I have a project where I want to remove a specific line from a text
>> > file. Piece of cake I've done that many times. Here is the twist I
>> > want to remove the specific line AND the line just prior to the
>> > specific line. Any thoughts?
>> I think that because of the line oriented nature of sed and grep, this
>> will be difficult, if not impossible to accomplish with them.  By the
>> time they know that you've reached the match line, they've already
>> printed out the preceding line.
>> My suggestion would be to use awk or perl, provided there isn't some
>> special restriction or requirement for grep or sed.
>> I threw together a quick example in perl, which I've included here.
>> It's only been tested against one little sample file I threw together,
>> but it seems to work.  Note that you will have to change /tag/ to
>> whatever regular expression will match the line you want removed.
>> It's currently setup to act as a filter, such as:
>>    rem_line+pre.pl <input_file >output_file
>> Also note that I haven't written a whole lot of perl lately, so bugs are
>> entirely likely.  If anyone happens to see an error, please let me know.
>> --
>> | Christopher
>> +------------------------------------------------+
>> | Here I stand.  I can do no other.              |
>> +------------------------------------------------+
>> ------------------CUT HERE------------------------
>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>> # vim: ts=3 sw=3 et sm ai smd sc bg=dark
>> use strict;
>> use warnings;
>> my $previous;
>> my $skip;
>> my $match = 'tag'; # Regex to match line to remove
>> $_ = ""; # We need to pre-initialize this so our until loop works
>> # We need to grab the first line here and set $previous to it since
>> # we're buffering 1 line to give us the ability to skip the line
>> # preceding our match.
>> #$_ = <STDIN>;
>> until (not /$match/) {
>>     $_ = <STDIN>;
>> }
>> $previous = $_;
>> while (<STDIN>) {
>>     if (/$match/) {
>>        # Don't print anything, and set $skip so we skip the next one.
>>        $skip = "yes";
>>     }
>>     else {
>>        unless ($skip) {
>>           print $previous;
>>        }
>>        undef $skip;
>>     }
>>     $previous = $_;
>> }
>> # We're operating one line behind, so now we need to print the final
>> # line, provided we're not skipping.
>> unless ($skip) { print $previous }
>> _______________________________________________
>> OLUG mailing list
>> OLUG at olug.org
>> http://lists.olug.org/mailman/listinfo/olug[1]
> _______________________________________________
> OLUG mailing list
> OLUG at olug.org
> http://lists.olug.org/mailman/listinfo/olug[2]

[1] http://lists.olug.org/mailman/listinfo/olug
[2] http://lists.olug.org/mailman/listinfo/olug

----- End forwarded message -----

-------------- next part --------------

   I guess I should have provided a little more input. Didn't think  
anybody would write a nice perl script for me (learning perl is on my  
list of things to do) so I was trying to do the project with my  
limited knowledge of grep, awk and sed. Perl I'm sure would be easier  
and much better than a bash script.

   Here's what I'm trying to do. ANY suggestions are welcome. Lets say  
we have a device I'll call Bulliten Board that came with software to  
do updates with. Lets call that software Provided Software. Lets say  
the Bulliten Board also has the ability to upload data to it via FTP  
as well as the Provided Software. All pages are controlled by a text  
file on the Bulliten Board called playlist.txt. What I want to do is  
upload pages from one FTP server (lets call that FTP server External  
FTP) to the Bulliten Board even X minutes . Actually I already have  
that script up and running. What I want to do now is to make sure that  
the pages from the External FTP server stay updated correctly even if  
somebody logs onto the Bulliten Board with the Provided Software.  
Since the Provided Software doesn't know what I'm uploading via FTP  
from my External FTP server the Provided Software would remove any  
lines added or changed by External FTP server. I need a way to put the  
External FTP pages (lines in playlist.txt) back on if the Provided  
Software removes or modifies them in the playlist. If I could get the  
provided software and the external FTP server to talk to each other I  
wouldn't have a problem but to make a long network story short  
politics would prevent such a thing.

   I'm sure this is as clear as mud by now. Since the provided  
software doesn't know what I'm uploading via my external FTP server to  
the FTP server on the Bulliten Board I just thought I'd pole the  
Bulliten Board every X minutes and simple rebuild anything that the  
Provided Software might be removing or changing. The Provided Software  
only updates manually every couple of days (or weeks) so it's not a  
huge problem. Since I'm poling the box every X minutes already I just  
figured I'd take the playlist apart and rebuild it with the data  
sitting on my external FTP server.

That's were the grep sed question came in. My thinking was to check  
for any pages the external FTP Server had uploaded at the start of my  
script and then simply remove them. Then at the end of the script I'd  
cat the changes back in. That way if somebody makes a change on the  
Exteranl FTP server it gets changes every X minutes when I do other  
tasks already. Then if there are no changes on the external FTP Server  
it simply puts the original lines back in. [The more I write to help  
clear this up the more confused your probably getting.]

   I'm sure somebody that's done a lot of Perl scripting is say, "Why  
would you want to go to all that trouble?" The answer is you work with  
what you know until you learn something else.

Example of a playlist.txt  file:
2.00 *632803561124310484
          ,        ,       ,      ,000000,                    , ,<DISSOLVE> S
        SU,        ,       ,      ,000000,                    , ,Food-Monday
          ,        ,       ,      ,000000,                    , ,<DISSOLVE> S
         M,        , 000000,130000,000000,                    , ,Food-Monday
          ,        ,       ,      ,000000,                    , ,<DISSOLVE> S
         M,        , 130000,      ,000000,                    , ,Food-Tuesday
          ,        ,       ,      ,000000,                    , ,<DISSOLVE> S
         T,        , 010000,130000,000000,                    , ,Food-Tuesday
          ,        ,       ,      ,000000,                    , ,<DISSOLVE> S
         T,        , 130000,      ,000000,                    , ,Food-Wednesday
          ,        ,       ,      ,000000,                    , ,<DISSOLVE> S
         W,        , 000000,130000,000000,                    , ,Food-W
          ,        ,       ,      ,000000,                    , ,<DISSOLVE> S
  06182007,07042007,       ,      ,000010,                    , ,July4th-1
          ,        ,       ,      ,000000,                    , ,<DISSOLVE> S
        MW,        , 080000,110000,000008,                    , ,Whatchamacalit

   File is divided into two lines for each page. Information on first  
line is just
for an effect (but must be there). Second line contains the start  
date, end date,
start time and end time. Page name is at the end of the second line.

   While it would be a piece of cake to grep for say, "Whatchamacalit"  
I still need
to get the line before it removed as well, that is unless somebody  
comes up with
a better way to do it.

Another thought I had was to just reserve the last 10 lines or so for  
the external
FTP Server lines and the use sed to remove the last 10 lines of the  
file before I
rebuild the list. Of course that means the I have to do more education  
for the person
running the Provided Software.

   [In case somebody is wondering I'm not making money off this  
project. It's for a public

> On 6/16/07, Christopher Cashell <topher-olug at zyp.org> wrote:
>> At Fri, 15 Jun 07, Unidentified Flying Banana Stan Coleman, said:
>> > I have a project where I want to remove a specific line from a text
>> > file. Piece of cake I've done that many times. Here is the twist I
>> > want to remove the specific line AND the line just prior to the
>> > specific line. Any thoughts?
>> I think that because of the line oriented nature of sed and grep, this
>> will be difficult, if not impossible to accomplish with them.  By the
>> time they know that you've reached the match line, they've already
>> printed out the preceding line.
>> My suggestion would be to use awk or perl, provided there isn't some
>> special restriction or requirement for grep or sed.
>> I threw together a quick example in perl, which I've included here.
>> It's only been tested against one little sample file I threw together,
>> but it seems to work.  Note that you will have to change /tag/ to
>> whatever regular expression will match the line you want removed.
>> It's currently setup to act as a filter, such as:
>>   rem_line+pre.pl <input_file >output_file
>> Also note that I haven't written a whole lot of perl lately, so bugs are
>> entirely likely.  If anyone happens to see an error, please let me know.
>> --
>> | Christopher
>> +------------------------------------------------+
>> | Here I stand.  I can do no other.              |
>> +------------------------------------------------+
>> ------------------CUT HERE------------------------
>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>> # vim: ts=3 sw=3 et sm ai smd sc bg=dark
>> use strict;
>> use warnings;
>> my $previous;
>> my $skip;
>> my $match = 'tag'; # Regex to match line to remove
>> $_ = ""; # We need to pre-initialize this so our until loop works
>> # We need to grab the first line here and set $previous to it since
>> # we're buffering 1 line to give us the ability to skip the line
>> # preceding our match.
>> #$_ = <STDIN>;
>> until (not /$match/) {
>>    $_ = <STDIN>;
>> }
>> $previous = $_;
>> while (<STDIN>) {
>>    if (/$match/) {
>>       # Don't print anything, and set $skip so we skip the next one.
>>       $skip = "yes";
>>    }
>>    else {
>>       unless ($skip) {
>>          print $previous;
>>       }
>>       undef $skip;
>>    }
>>    $previous = $_;
>> }
>> # We're operating one line behind, so now we need to print the final
>> # line, provided we're not skipping.
>> unless ($skip) { print $previous }
>> _______________________________________________
>> OLUG mailing list
>> OLUG at olug.org
>> http://lists.olug.org/mailman/listinfo/olug[1]
> _______________________________________________
> OLUG mailing list
> OLUG at olug.org
> http://lists.olug.org/mailman/listinfo/olug[2]

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[2] http://lists.olug.org/mailman/listinfo/olug

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