[olug] looking for local cisco training

Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T jeffh at dundeemt.com
Fri Mar 9 03:11:10 UTC 2007

On 3/8/07, Dave Weis <djweis at internetsolver.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Mar 2007, Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T wrote:
> > Long story short -- we've got a new router in house (Adtran) that is
> > going to do firewalling/nat/etc too.  Before this I used a different
> > firewall on a different box to handle those issues.  So I've never
> > learned much about mucking around in the router -- didn't have to.
> >
> > Now that this tasks are going in to the router I need to get in there
> > and be able to make changes without mucking up the works.  So does
> > anyone know a decent local cisco class?  The Adtran guys basically
> > copy the cisco commands and the people I've spoken with said cisco
> > training would pretty much work for the adtran.
> Have you checked with Adtran? A lot of the basic commands are similar but
> Adtran uses the concept of a cross connect heavily for physical and
> virtual interfaces that Cisco doesn't use.
> Adtran has a load of docs on their site, some require a free signup. If
> you have specific questions you can point them to me or the list, we use a
> lot of Adtran gear with great success.
> dave
Thanks Dave.  I'll give the website a go and I might take you up on
the questions.  First thing I have to learn is how to recover from a
disaster (misconfig)  once I get that down I'll have some room to
breathe. (I can do it now via the web interface -- but I want to learn
how to do it from the command line) The router is config'd for the cut
over so I'm not in a rush -- their support has been excellent so far
-- I just don't like the fact that I didn't do the config myself <g>
and had to rely on their support.  Well after I get providers cut
over, it will be time to do some reading.

Thanks again,


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