[olug] sed issues inside of a script

John Hobbs john at velvetcache.org
Wed Nov 14 01:34:37 UTC 2007

Thanks all.  I had already found the Advanced Bash Scripting Guide and
intend to read on that while my Unix Power Tools book is shipping.

- John

On 11/13/07, Christopher Cashell <topher-olug at zyp.org> wrote:
> On Nov 13, 2007 4:57 PM, John Hobbs <john at velvetcache.org> wrote:
> > As a related aside, is there a good document with best practices for
> > shell scripting?  My Google prowess failed me on that aspect. A book
> > would do as well.  I've just sorta picked this stuff up along the way
> > and I'd like to read over the "right" ways to do things.
> I'd start with the Advanced Bash Scripting Guide[0].  It's quite
> thorough, well, organized, and will provide you with everything you
> need to go far with shell scripting.  I think I remember hearing once
> that if you were to print out the entire thing, it would come to over
> 800 pages!  (It's also free and hosted at the Linux Documentation
> Project.)
> As supplementals, if you really want to go crazy with shell scripting
> and more, I'd also highly recommend O'Reilly's "Sed & Awk" and
> "Mastering Regular Expressions".  ORA's "Linux in a Nutshell" is also
> an extremely underrated book for shell scrpters (half the trick to
> effective shell scripting is knowing what tools and commands you have
> available to make use of).
> > - John
>  [0] http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/
> --
> Christopher
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