[olug] CentOS 5 users, managing different versions of an OS

Obi-Wan obiwan at jedi.com
Mon Nov 19 15:10:11 UTC 2007

> Anyone had experience running CentOS 5?  I remember when it first came 
> out there was talk about new installations should still use 4.5 for a 
> while, as there were some issues.  I'm setting up a new server this week 
> and am wondering if 5.0 + the updates is an ok way to go now?

We run RHEL & CentOS on nearly all of our several dozen Unix boxen
here at BryanLGH.  I've got v5 on a half dozen of them.  No problems
so far.  One of them is in production, while four others are slated
as such but not live yet.  BTW, v5 update 1 was released last week.
I'm running it on all but the one live production box, and so far
no issues.

What sort of issues had you heard about?

> On the other hand, my existing servers are 4.5.  How much importance do 
> you guys place on having your servers all on the same version of an OS?  
> I'm sure that would make maintenance a little easier.

It's certainly more convenient, but if the application dictates that
you run on a particular version of Unix, then that's what you've got
to run.  I manage three versions of RHEL/CentOS plus a handful of other
Unix flavors, so I'm used to the variety.

Ben "Obi-Wan" Hollingsworth                             obiwan at jedi.com
   The stuff of earth competes for the allegiance I owe only to the
     Giver of all good things, so if I stand, let me stand on the
       promise that You will pull me through.  -- Rich Mullins

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