[olug] Network/Systems monitoring solution

Ryan Stille ryan at cfwebtools.com
Tue Oct 30 13:44:51 UTC 2007

Travis Owens wrote:
> Hello all...
> I sifted through a thread on another list last week and found a few
> applications for Network and Systems monitoring. Just thought I'd post a
> question to you all and see what'd I'd get back...
> What are the best features (yes, I know that's a subjective term) you've
> seen in your application of choice?
> ( nagios, ganglia, big brother, opennms, hyperic, zabbix, etc...)
> As a follow-up to that question, what would you say you'd really like added
> to a Network/Systems monitoring/reporting/alerting/incident-tracking system?
> Thanks!

I use Big Sister.  I don't like it.  But I like it more than everything 
else I've tried (Big Brother, Nagios, OpenNMS, Zabbix).

What I'd like to see in a monitoring app is something very easy to 
configure.  Big Sister's conf files are a pain.  I'm the only one at my 
company that has any idea how to manage Big Sister, and thats the way 
its going to stay.

I'd like to see a small feature set (monitor http, smtp, etc. and 
email/page when down) in a very easy to configure UI, preferably a web 
based gui.


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