[olug] OLUG meeting for Tuesday, October 2nd

Jon Larsen relayer at levania.org
Thu Sep 27 18:35:08 UTC 2007

Hi Everyone,

The next OLUG meeting is this coming Tuesday, October 2nd.  6:30 PM at the 
AIM Institute Computer Lab, 412 South 19th Street.

We are looking for someone to do a presentation on any one of the topics 

Samba 4
Kernel Compile
Knoppix Rescue

If you can present on any of the above topic or on another topic 
relating to Linux/Open source software, please let myself or Adam Haeder 
<adam -at- aiminstitute dot org> know.

We will still be meeting on Tuesday even if we don't have a presentation, 
as we will be discussing the upcoming Ubuntu release party and any other 
recent Linux news.

Jon L.

Jon H. Larsen  - relayer -at- levania -dot- org
Operations Manager, Omaha Linux Users Group - http://www.olug.org/
AnimeSunday.org - http://www.animesunday.org/
Website - http://www.levania.org/~relayer/
GPG/PGP Pubkey - http://www.levania.org/~relayer/relayerpubkey.txt

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