[olug] DNS lookups lagging?

Rob Townley rob.townley at gmail.com
Mon Aug 25 08:13:34 UTC 2008

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 12:59 AM, DYNATRON tech <dynatron at gmail.com> wrote:

> it seems that my DNS lookups have about an 8 second lag in several linux
> distros.
> most recently i'm using mandriva, but it seems to be an issue for me in
> ubunto as well as a couple other distros.
> my laptop (windows OS) doesn't seem to suffer the issue unless i use an
> ubuntu live disc.
> i am using windstream DSL at my home with a mix of DHCP and static
> addressing.
> i did a mandriva install for a friend with cox internet (DHCP), and it
> suffers the same lag on his connection.
> most notably, the lag happens on the web browsers (firefox, epiphany,
> konquerer)
> the lag occurs only when switching between domains (google.com -->
> yahoo.com),
> or a different host on the same domain (www.google.com -->
> images.google.com).
> it does not occur when the target domain doesn't change.
> what makes me think that it may not be a DNS issue, is that returning to a
> previous domain will produce the same lag, even though DNS should have been
> resolved and cached already.
> is anybody else having the same issues?
> i did a google search, but only unrelated results or people in forums
> arguing about how to fix it.
> all i can gather is that it might have something to do with network
> filtering of IPv6 packets.
> if this is true, what's the easiest way to disable IPv6?
> i'm willing to try it as long as it doesn't require downgrading to a 2.4
> kernel as a forum poster suggested.
> thanks for reading!
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i would set your dns to and - OpenDNS.

dig @ ns3.windstream.net
returns queries around 100ms.

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