[olug] Teachers are the obstacle between the classroom and

Bill Brush bbrush at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 23:38:04 UTC 2008

Easy guys.

I don't think anyone thinks that "all" teachers are idiots, or even
like the one mentioned.  Everyone has had good teachers, and everyone
has had ones that made you wonder how they made it out of the house
that day.

I former teacher once told me, "The word teacher is the only one-word
oxymoron in the English language."  There's also the old saw that
"Those who can't do, teach."  This isn't a new stereotype, and like
all stereotypes it's not universally or even generally true, however
there are examples that reinforce the stereotype.

Something that we as I.T./technical people forget, is that not
everyone thinks like us.  Hard to believe but it's true. Most
technical people can pick up a book and learn on their own.  That is
not a universal skill.  However, most I.T./technical guys are not
skilled practitioners in other areas.  For myself, music and most
visual arts are complete mysteries.  Social skills is noted as a
particular weakness for us.  Are there computer guys who are good at
social situations?  Sure, but there are also a lot of them that most
decidedly are not.


On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 5:02 PM, Kevin <sharpestmarble at gmail.com> wrote:
> There are also teachers on the opposite end of the spectrum than the
> one mentioned in the blog. One of the teachers I had at ITT was an
> excellent one who was making an excellent living as a consultant, and
> was the image of professionality. If I have a question about whether
> it would be professional, I have only to ask myself "What would Larry
> Patrick Johnson do?" Yet he gave up the consulting gig so that he
> could teach because he loved to do so. He has been promoted out of the
> teaching job into one where he is in a direct position to influence
> other teachers. I am considering going on in school just so I can work
> for him during the evenings.
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 16:48, Obi-Wan <obiwan at jedi.com> wrote:
>>> Luke, for your comment "Where did you get *that* idea?" about "I thought
>>> teachers were supposed to be smart people?" you should be ashamed.  There
>>> are many very good, very intelligent teachers who are working for a lower
>>> salary than they could get in the corporate world because they enjoy helping
>>> others learn.

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