[olug] Teachers are the obstacle between the classroom and

Luke Dashjr luke at dashjr.org
Thu Dec 11 02:48:21 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 10 December 2008 08:10:02 pm Craig Wolf wrote:
> I know people that lump all "computer geeks" into "Can't function in
> public", "unclean", "glasses wearing", "rude",  and even "speaks gibberish
> or down to others".  Are you any of those things Luke?

Sure, I can easily accept the "can't function in public", "rude" (if I'm not 
careful), and "speaks (what seems to be) gibberish or down to others".

> You may or may not be BUT I will not lump you into a group like myself
> because I am unique, like most of the "teachers" you slammed earlier. 

Like I said earlier, all generalizations have exceptions. However, they are 
generalizations because they are, in general, true in most cases. Nobody 
should hear a generalization and think it applies to everyone fitting the 
group. If a generalization needed to fit everyone, they would not exist.

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