[olug] Print monitoring

Nick Hajek nhajek at meridian-technical.com
Fri Jun 6 15:33:59 UTC 2008

Joe Gulizia wrote:
> One of six guests where I work has a linux related question.
> He works for a University in Africa and is looking for Print monitoring software for the University.  I believe he said they are using CentOS.
> I found the following via the FLOSScatalog.PDF from the fsdaily.com site:
> Mandriva Directory Server and OpenBravo
> Are you familiar with others?  Do these work well?  Can the Mandriva product work with other distros?
I don't think OpenBravo is what you're looking for.  It's a fairly 
sophisticated, open source,  ERP application.  I wasn't aware that it 
contained print monitoring functionality but wouldn't be surprised if it 
did.  If it does, I doubt it would be worth the effort, setup is 


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