[olug] It's that time again ... The OLUG Luncheon

Sam Tetherow tetherow at shwisp.net
Wed Jun 18 22:13:52 UTC 2008

Not sure what all is out that way, but a quick pull from google maps 
shows a Breada just east of 48th and O, and LaPaz on North Cotner just 
south of R street.  Whoever requested east of 48th may have some better 
suggestions.  I doesn't really matter to me where we meet.

	Sam Tetherow
	Sandhills Wireless

Obi-Wan wrote:
>> I'll actually be in Lincoln this Friday so hopefully other will be able 
>> to make it as well.  The one time I know of they met at YiaYia's downtown.
>> Anyone else in Lincoln up for lunch this Friday and if so, is YiaYia's 
>> still a good location?
> I'll be around, too.  I think it was suggested last time that since
> most of the Lincoln attendees are from east of 48th Street, that we
> meet somewhere on that side of town rather than downtown.  I'm fine
> with either, personally.  I don't get out much, so I'm open to
> suggestions on a new venue.  About the only place I ever go out
> to for lunch is the Gateway food court, so I wouldn't mind going
> somewhere else.

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