[olug] Myth TV / Cox Digital Box questions etc

Shawn Mattingly smattin at mimezine.org
Sat Jun 28 19:02:54 UTC 2008

If you like to tinker then Myth will be right up your alley.  The kicker 
for me was HD...Cox and the rest of the cable industry as a whole do not 
make fiddling with HD channel content very easy.  If HD is not a 
requirement then myth would be great.  If you can get by with OTA (over 
the air) HD broadcasts then myth would still be great with a card like 
the HD-5500 from pcHDTV.  If you want encrypted QAM cable provider HD 
then the complexity of the problem increases dramatically and it starts 
looking like work :-)

Will Langford wrote:
> Shawn & Ben!
> Thank you so much for info on both.
> With the mention of dual tuner, I debated the HD HomeRun using coax
> out of cox box as second input, but with comparisons at:
> http://www.kenisacson.com/projects/20060108-Mediacenter-Videotests/index.htm
> I think I'll skip coax as second in :).  The thought/ability of the
> unicast to where-ever I happen to be is ... really tempting.  Dunno if
> a dedicated box for it is required or if I can get Myth to broadcast
> it as well.. meh.  Just... not a requirement at the moment.
> Ben: love the mini tute and assuming I get some kind of wireless
> remote thing to work with it... all too tempting :).  Plus, expanding
> it with lotsa tuners is very tempting as well.
> Shawn: I echo the 'not wanting to support it' sentiments as well, and
> is the main draw for looking into Tivo... as well as overly researched
> and 'simple' front end.  Said with caution as I've yet to play with
> Myth.  The last I looked at linux tv capture was 6 or 7 years ago :).
> It's great to know that Tivo digital cable stuff works here in Omaha,
> though... and makes it a serious alternative.
> I'm thinking I'll prolly end up going with Myth stuffs... I believe
> it'll offer more options (ie: possibility of some computer based games
> on TV?) and ... might be fun to tinker with.
> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815116609
> PVR350, $129 :).
> -Will
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