[olug] Setting Kmail to send outgoing mail through Cox Cable Omaha

David Walker olug at grax.com
Mon Oct 20 10:48:02 UTC 2008

Port 587 is the standard mail submission port.  I don't know why KMail, 
Outlook and other programs don't at least provide it as a visible 
alternative.  I know that time warner in Lincoln uses 587 and shut down 
25.  You should check to see if that is what Cox does also.

Dave Thacker wrote:
> On Sunday 19 October 2008 11:59:26 T. J. Brumfield wrote:
>> Slightly off topic, but Cox blocks port 25 for access to anything but
>> Cox's email service.  I was trying to set up my mom's new Linux
>> desktop to use Kmail for her Yahoo account, and her Pureromance
>> account.  Neither provide an alternate port for email.  Cox kept
>> telling me I could send mail with those email addresses, but it has to
>> go through Cox's server.  However, they said they couldn't provide
>> instructions how to do this.
>> Anyone know how to configure Kmail to send through Cox?
>> -- T. J.
> Next time, please start a new thread with a new subject.  It helps others 
> searching for the same answer to find it more easily. 
> I'm running KDE 3.5.8 and Kmail 1.9.6
> Settings--->Configure Kmail---> Accounts
> Click on the "Sending" tab of the form
> My working configuration looks like this:
> Name: cox outbound
> Host: smtp.central.cox.net
> Port: 25
> Precommand: no entry
> Server requires authentication is not checked
> Send alternate hostname is not checked 
> Good Luck!
> Dave
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