[olug] Post your uptime...

Dan Linder dan at linder.org
Mon Sep 29 15:43:46 UTC 2008

Here's mine:
 10:31:52 up  1:45,  1 user,  load average: 0.97, 0.75, 0.76

That's my laptop that is toted between home and the office every day...  :-)


Slightly off topic:
If anyone can determine how long a system has had Linux instaled, I'd be
interested in reporting that.  This laptop has been running a flavor or
Linux (mostly Kubuntu, and Fedora early on), but I never re-formatted the
HDD (that I remember). Is there some sort of EXT2/3 timestamp that I can

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" (Who can watch the watchmen?) -- from the
Satires of Juvenal
"I do not fear computers, I fear the lack of them." -- Isaac Asimov (Author)
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