[olug] Happy Jaunty Day!

Dave Thacker dthacker9 at cox.net
Thu Apr 23 13:22:41 UTC 2009

From #ubuntu-release-party on freenode

[08:02:22] <@slangasek> <tap,tap> is this thing on?
[08:02:39] <@slangasek> Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... Ubuntu 9.04
[08:03:00] <@slangasek> let's hear it for one heckuva great release!  thanks, 

Ubunty 9.04, "Jaunty Jackalope" has been officially released!  
There's a torrent tracker at

Enjoy, and remember to use the torrents!

Dave Thacker
Admin, Ubuntu Nebraska LoCo Team

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