[olug] Looking for pre-built Linux desktops

Phil Brutsche phil at brutsche.us
Tue Aug 4 05:07:10 UTC 2009

Joe Gulizia wrote:
> Boss was talking moving me to Windows....cheaper, easier to find machines.  Standardization  BS.

The hardware standardization argument is huge, don't underestimate it.

If you can't find a modern machine that will run Linux out of the box
you're looking at the wrong hardware or the wrong hardware vendor.

I could walk up to a OptiPlex 760 at work and every single bit of
hardware in it will Just Work with the latest CentOS or Ubuntu or ...

It helps quite a bit that Dell officially support RHEL5 on their Dell
Precisions, and oh, wait, guess what else uses the same video, audio,
ethernet, etc as the Precisions? OptiPlexes!


Phil Brutsche
phil at brutsche.us

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