[olug] URGENT. This message will be useless in about 3 hours

Jon Larsen relayer at levania.org
Sun Aug 23 15:36:16 UTC 2009

On 08/23/2009 06:19 AM, Awais Khan wrote:
> so the F1 race starts in about 45 minutes. the European GP from Valencia,
> and that is atleast as awesome as  the grizzly bear cavalry.
> http://www.justin.tv/pupyrace
> this is all I could find. it might not be the best, but it works ... enjoy
> your face off cause it RACE DAY

While I did watch the race on SPEED TV, enjoy Formula One and very happy 
for the winner, I have to say you should put OT (Off Topic) in your 
subject if it does not pertain to Linux or the LUG.

Jon H. Larsen  - relayer -at- levania -dot- org
Blog - http://www.levania.org/~relayer/
VP of Community Development, Omaha Linux Users Group - http://www.olug.org/
AnimeSunday.org - http://www.animesunday.org/
GPG/PGP Pubkey - http://www.levania.org/~relayer/relayerpubkey.txt

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