[olug] Hardware Mooch

adunlop techworld.mail at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 16:41:59 UTC 2009

Ditto.  Sounds like a OSU cap blew.

On Jul 28, 2009, at 11:40 AM, Brady Cox wrote:

> Personally, I'd test the power supply first.
> On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:40 AM, <bugs.moran at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am one of the Lincoln people that keeps up on this list.  
>> Recently, the
>> smoke tried very hard to get out of my computer, but somehow didn't  
>> quite
>> manage it. The PC made a noise indistinguishable from a big moth  
>> hitting a
>> bug zapper. Since then, the computer has run at what I would call a
>> somewhat degraded quality. It locks up frequently, and usually  
>> resumes
>> function after a bit. Sometimes it reboots instead.
>> Anyway, I would like to troubleshoot this to see what exactly  
>> happened. In
>> order to do so, I would like to get ahold of a socket 939  
>> motherboard and
>> processor. If you can help with either, please let me know.
>> Thanks!
>> John Moran
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> -- 
> I dreamed of Moses.  He wanted to put my hair into cornrows.  I said,
> "I thought you were born way before those came into fashion?"  He
> said, "Don't be silly, your dreams never follow the chronology of
> history and the purpose of dreams is still quite a mystery even to
> me."
> So I pulled up a lawn chair, took off my sword and shield and I laid
> 'em right down there.  He braided my hair in the shade of a bare
> branch of a beautiful sycamore tree.
> And when Moses finished he stared at me hard with a squint and a
> grimace said "You look so damn good that I'm mad this isn't real life
> and it's just a dream."
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> OLUG mailing list
> OLUG at olug.org
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