[olug] MythTV - Cox Communications

Will Langford unfies at gmail.com
Fri Mar 6 05:27:53 UTC 2009

> - Give up on Myth and purchase a pre-built Media PC and utilize Cox
> Cable card technology.

Expensive as all holy hell.

- Get the Cox Cable box and utilize the HDMI output or similar to pipe
> HD signal into my Myth backend system.  I would then need to control the
> Cox box via serial and or an IR-Blaster.

You'd have to grab an HDPVR from hauppage or similar - their high def
component capture.  $200 apiece IIRC and USB (plan accordingly)  I've seen
some other cards that seem to offer component input, but... support is
undoubtedly lax.

> - Get the Cox Cable box which has firewire output and utilize this to
> pull MPEG2 ..etc straight into Myth.

A friend says he was able to get firewire to his mac book to cooperate. I
have no ideas on the details, might have to ask him more.

I've... got my myth box up and running with a pair of 150's, but I don't
watch much TV anymore it seems :(.  Too busy with real life and work heh.
 Also need to get xmltv stuff to run in the background every so often too
rather than manually doing so.

Another option would be a TIVO with cablecard stuff.  Ya lose the on-demand
stuff completely with any cablecard option though.  With component capture
you can still use ir pass through to the cox box to get to it though.



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