[olug] OT: Used Routers

Phil Brutsche phil at brutsche.us
Sun Mar 15 15:43:56 UTC 2009

Many of them try to be very Cisco-ish on their command line, some are
more Cisco-ish than others.

What little I've seen of JunOS (for Juniper routers) is that it is the
most un-Cisco-ish of them all.

Foundry is very, very similar.

I haven't used any current Extreme gear, but the last time I tried it it
is more like CatOS than IOS.

Dan Clough wrote:
> P.S. What's everyone's take on some other equipment manufacturers -
> notably Extreme, Juniper, Foundry/Brocade, etc.  How's the learning
> curve coming from a strictly IOS environment?


Phil Brutsche
phil at brutsche.us

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