[olug] Server Motherboard Recomendations.

Jay Bendon jaybocc2 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 01:53:42 UTC 2009

I use http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131242 in my
home server.

I've run debian 5.0 and centos 5.x on it.
Debian 5.0 worked out of the box but centos required the *sk98lin *driver,
which centos removed in 5.x for some reason.  you can get the .RPM to enable
the nics here. http://centos.toracat.org/ajb/CentOS-5/sk98lin/

I find this to be a very quality server motherboard, works well with my raid
card, but also has builtin software raid if you don't want a raid card,  My
box has a quad core xeon 2.5ghz processor in it and i'm doing some
distributed computing with it as well as hosting a few of my own private
gameservers, a file server and print server.  As of right now its at 25 days
uptime and the last reboot was when i was working on networking a p.o.s.
windowns only printer.


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