[olug] hello, colo

Aric aric at omahax.com
Mon Mar 23 20:19:31 UTC 2009

I'm new here..... 


I found this group googleing for an Omaha collocation and I ran into your


Can anyone recommend a single server colo provider?  It doesn't need to be
in Omaha.  I just want the best bang for the buck.  I used to rent a couple
servers from theplanet.com they were awesome bang for the buck as far as
bandwidth.  For $200 a month you can get a quad core Xeon with a constant 39
ms ping to cox Omaha, 100mbit connection with 5TB of monthly xfer.  I'd use
them again but I want to run my own hardware and OS and they start at a full
rack for colo.  I ran across calpop.com they seem a little shady but
$100-$150 a month for 10mbit unmetered 4U it is the best I have found so
far.  I'd like to hear your thoughts.


I'll eventually get the hang of this email list thing it's sort of like a
news group without the base 64.  At first I was like wtf they are using an
email list instead of community builder and fireboard on their joomla
site.... this is cool just not what I have become accustom to over the past
10 or so years of using forums.


I am looking forward to the bacula presentation.  I played around with it
briefly.  It sure would save me some dents in my head to have someone show
me.  I have just been using xcopy and scp cron jobs and I know there's a
better way.


If I only see the world though my eyes I will miss most of it,


Aric Aasgaard

aric at omahax.com


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