[olug] Speaking at Infotec April 14-15, 2009

Adam Haeder adamh at aiminstitute.org
Tue Mar 31 18:56:59 UTC 2009

Hello all
I'll be speaking at the yearly Infotec conference April 14-15, 2009 at the 
Qwest Center. My topic is "It's a Great Time to be in IT". Based on the 
makeup of our group, I thought this would interest some of you.

Here is more info about Infotec:

April 14-15, 2009
Qwest Center Omaha
Session info: http://infotec.org/sessions.aspx
Aaron Grothe and I helped put together the Infrastructure and IT support 
track. The Information Assurance track will also be of interest to many of 
you, it was put together by Ron Woerner.

Anyway, thought you all might be interested in more detail about the 

Obligatory linux-fu:
Had a situation the other day where a partition was filling up. I wanted 
to know which directories in that partition where the biggest offenders. 
This little one-liner gave me a list of all (top-level) directories in 
that partition, sorted by size, highest to lowest:

# ls -1 | egrep -v "\.|\.\." | while read line; do if [ -d "${line}" ]; then result=`du "$line" -c | grep -i total| awk -F" " '{print $1}'`; echo "$result: $line"; fi; done | sort -rn

Like most of my scripts, I'm sure there is a much more efficient way to do 
it, but this worked for me.

Adam Haeder
Vice President of Information Technology
AIM Institute
1905 Harney Street, Suite 700
Omaha, NE 68102
402-345-5025 x115
adamh at aiminstitute.org
Infotec09 is April 13-15, 2009
at the Qwest Center Omaha.
Register today at infotec.org!

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