[olug] The mysterious kenel panic

Dave Thacker dthacker at bluestrain.net
Thu Jan 28 00:41:59 UTC 2010

On Monday 18 January 2010 12:19:43 am Phil Brutsche wrote:
> IMO a piddly 12 hours with memtest is too little to find any hardware
> problems beyond immediate memory problems.
> Sometimes you need to let it run for several days.

And so it was.   I did another longer run and they came up full of errors.  
Now running individual sticks to see which one was the culprit.  

Now I get to figure out how to exchange the memory.....


> Running something like Prime95 or MPrime
> (http://www.mersenne.org/freesoft/) in torture-test mode for a couple
> days would be a better test.
> On 1/17/2010 10:30 PM, Dave Thacker wrote:
> > I mentioned to a few of my lunch mates at Whole Foods that I was getting
> > a mysterious freeze-up of my new rig.   I ran memtest for 12 hours and
> > didn't get any errors, but my old IBM PS/2 keyboard (from an X-Station)
> > was freezing up every time I tried to go into the BIOS.   I've swapped it
> > out and we'll see if that helps.

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