[olug] SMTP server for development?

Eric P eric.maillist at gmail.com
Thu May 27 01:53:38 UTC 2010

Howdy all,

I recently ran across a cool open source project called smtp4dev (Windows/.NET).  It is basically a dummy SMTP server 
where you can view all emails sent to it w/o them actually being sent on to the outside world.

As it is a .NET app I thought maybe I could compile it w/Mono, but I wondered if there wasn't already an app like this 
for Linux.  Or maybe Sendmail or Postfix could be configured to serve this purpose (i.e., dead end SMTP server).  I have 
zero experience in either of them, so smtp4dev has a lot of appeal because of its ease of set up and use.


Anyway, just looking for some ideas.

Eric P.

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