[olug] POS and bar code reader

Rob Townley rob.townley at gmail.com
Sun May 30 07:31:48 UTC 2010

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 5:10 PM, Jay Woods <woodsjay at cox.net> wrote:
> I have been looking at the Lemon POS system and have it up and running
> under Kubuntu 10.04 but have not run any hardware. If you try it, I'd
> like to hang around and see how the whole thing works out. (I am
> reluctant to call this "help".)
> Some additional notes:
> http://www.lemonpos.org/
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/lemonpos/
>> I have been trying to follow the User's guide (
> http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/lemonpos/index.php?title=Users_Guide);
>> but the guide was for lemonpos 0.8 and I assume that some changes have
>> occurred since.
>> My question is about Vendors.  In the guide, on the part about
> vendors; it
>> shows a screen form squeeze that is not
>> in this version ( 0.9.3 )
>>  Is the Clients inputting screen also the Vendors inputting screen? or
> did
>> I miss a process to be done?
>> > Well, the kubuntu part of the guide is only for installing the
> needed
>> > tools and dependencies, to install lemonPOS from sources.
>> > The Installation
>> >
> Guide<http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/lemonpos/index.php?title=
>> > Installation_Guide> links
>> > this guide for ubuntu users, then you need to return to the
>> > installation
>> > process<http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/lemonpos/index.php?tit
>> > le=Installation_Guide#Compiling> to
>> > continue ...
>> >
>> > > Im very interested in using lemon as the pos sw, but are there any
>> > > way to break these password ?, or how can I setup the program ?
>> >
>> > I have not tested the ubuntu package for lemonPOS.. but I have
>> > installed from sources in ubuntu when I create the guide, and its
>> > pretty easy.
>> >
>> The version 0.9.2 was installed on Kubuntu 9.10 using the Installation
>> Guide instructions.
>> A password was asked for and given after the "cat lemon_mysql.sql |
>> mysql -u root -p" instruction. This is presumably the mysql-admin
>> password generated earlier. According to messages a database was
>> created.
>> After the Database Creation, there was no occasion to use the default
>> user and password.
>> How do you apply the instruction, "Remember that mysql should be
> running
>> and cofigured [sic] before creating the database, and before running
>> lemonPOS"?
> When you start your computer, try connecting to mysql:
> mysql -uroot -p
> and tpye the password...
> If a message like:
> "Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
> Your MySQL connection id is 2
> Server version: 5.1.45 Source distribution
> Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input
> statement.
> mysql>"
> That means that mysql is running (without manual/user intervention)
> Once where are here, lets do a simple test to verify that the database
> exists..
> type:
> use lemondb;
> select * from users;
> If you got something like:
> +----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+
> | username | password
>        | salt      |
> +----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+
> | admin    | C07B1E799DC80B95060391DDF92B3C7EF6EECDCB | h60VK |
> +----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+
> (some fields were removed)
> then, at least the default user was created (it means that like 85% of
> the
> script was executed fine), and the user/password should be accepted.
> (note
> that the shown table above is the default, it means the default
> user/password -crypted-).
> If you dont get those results, so the script was not executed "ok"
> completely (try : "show tables" command to see what tables of the
> database
> were created...)
>>When I attempt to run squeeze, it can't hook up to the database. After
>> several attempts, it got further by clicking on Defaults, using the
>> default user and password as the administrator and applying the
>> lemonclient and (unknown) password as presented.
>> Is this correct?
>> > The part you would be missing, and you dont tell, is the database
>> >
> creation<http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/lemonpos/index.php?tit
>> > le=Installation_Guide#Database_Creation>process. Which, as its name
>> > says, creates the database for lemonPOS. Of course MySQL must be
>> > installed and ready to use (running, and its convenient to run it at
>> > boot time.. I dont know if ubuntu installation process for mysql
>> > does this by default).
> On Friday, May 28, 2010 03:51:43 pm Craig Wolf wrote:
>> Anyone setup a Point of Sale system with a bar code reader??  Need to
>> put together a system for a fireworks tent.
>> Any pointers you can give me?
>> Thanx!!
>> Craig Wolf
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Don't forget barcode readers act like a keyboard.

Open something really simple like gedit and scan directly into that
for basic testing.

Or tail out the character device associate with it.

tinyerp / openerp

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