[olug] Getting the VGA port on laptop to have an out put to HDTV

Thomas D. Williamson twilliam at inebraska.com
Thu Oct 7 01:53:58 UTC 2010

I am wanting to get the video output from the port on my laptop to my  
HDTV. I can get the signal through Windows, but I am unable to find  
out where to enable this in openSuSE 11.3. Last year I could watch the  
ESPN webcast of college football, but then it would not let Linux be  
the operating system. This year that restriction is gone and I can  
watch the games on Linux and Firefox.

Any suggestions? This is a nVidia card with their driver installed.


Tom Williamson

P.S. The setting the Java location solved the OpenOffice issue, but  
NoScript still crashes Firefox when I want to adjust the permissions  
to run. Any suggestions on that as well? Thanks again

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