[olug] Off topic: Roku box users?

Dan Linder dan at linder.org
Tue Oct 19 17:07:38 UTC 2010

On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 16:56, Jeff Hinrichs <jeffh at delasco.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 4:31 PM, Dan Linder <dan at linder.org> wrote:
>> > Goal -- Dump cox video.
> Ours too.  I'm really liking NetFlix, and now that there is a native Wii
>> app (no more disk), I don't have to keep tracking ours down after the kids
>> play a game. :-)
> I pulled the trigger and have a roku box on order since earlier in the
> thread someone mentioned roksbox -- which should allow the roku to access my
> nas (synology  +1) and my recorded myth via a smb share.

For everyone interested, you might want to checkout this spreadsheet of
set-top boxes:


It was started by Veronica Belmont @ Revision3 and is publicly unpalatable.
 From this list I found that the Roku has a few other streaming options:
 * Play On Private Channel
 * Chaneru
 * Main Squeeze
 * Roksbox Private Channel

I'm going to go the Silicondust route and tie it in with my
soon-to-be-reinstalled Myth system.

Any pros/cons on the back-end version of MythTV to use?  Stick with
Mythbuntu, or is Mythdora or one of the other off shoots better supported


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