[olug] Linux Journal - Nov 2010 - LHC

Kevin D. Snodgrass kdsnodgrass at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 25 21:28:53 UTC 2010

--- On Wed, 10/20/10, Carl Lundstedt <clundst at unlserve.unl.edu> wrote:
> There's something out there called Einstein at home for
> scientists to get cpu hours off volunteer machines.  We

I'll look for it...

> There is also an LHC at home (http://lhcathome.cern.ch/), but the CMS (my experiment)
> software stack is really complex (both because of what it is

OK, maybe it isn't as parallel as the other distributed clients.  Lots of processing on a small data set, done in parallel with hundreds (thousands?) of others is ideal for this.  CMS must be thin on processing, but thick on data or not by nature parallel.

> and because of who wrote it,  physicists aren't the
> best coders).  Right now a user analysis job assumes

HEY!  Watch-it buddy.  (B.S., Math, Physics, Computer Science here)


> Thanks for the interest,
> Carl

Do you allow "field trips" to your lab?  Any other OLUGers interested in visiting a part of part of the LHC?  (I must be finally having my second childhood.  It's like being in high school, "Let's go on a field trip! YEAH!"  Ahem...)

Anyhow, it's cool that some computer geeks in Lincoln, Nebraska are part of the world's largest science progject, based in Switzerland.

Kevin D. Snodgrass


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