[olug] Drive letter assignments

Kevin D. Snodgrass kdsnodgrass at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 11 18:41:04 UTC 2011

--- On Mon, 4/11/11, Cooper Vertz <olug at vertz.info> wrote:
> This may be out of date but...

I think it is.  modprobe.conf is, or soon will be, deprecated.  But the same idea "should" apply to /etc/modprobe.d/dist.conf.

> At boot, the USB problem can be fixed by rearranging your
> modprobe.conf:
> alias usb-controller uhci-hcd
> alias scsi_hostadapter ata_piix
> Put the scsi_hostadapter first (and make a new initrd file)
> and you may stop
> booting to USB.

Fedora 13 already has that arrangement (i.e., scsi_hostadapter first, USB modules later), and still will show the USB drive as /dev/hda most boots.

Since the boot process now is somewhat parallelized, several things happening at once, my guess is the USB modules loads faster, therefore presenting the kernel with an access path first, than does the scsi_hostadapter module (plus dependancies).  This means either USB must be told to wait (slowing down boot times) or something must be hard coded, probably udev rules, so that it doesn't matter what order of module loading/completion happens the /dev/sd? drive assignments are done in a sane manner.

gentoo seems more appealing every day...

Kevin D. Snodgrass

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