[olug] Voip in CyanogenMod 7.1 audio delay. . .

Shawn L. Djernes shawn at djernes.org
Fri Aug 5 18:47:52 UTC 2011


First Question,  What type of internet connection are you using when you are testing?  What is the latency between you and the server?

You mention this cyanogenMod and then a hardware box.  How were you running it the first time?

By VoIP do you only mean Google Voice or are you trying to use a SIP account also?


On Aug 5, 2011, at 10:45 AM, Christopher R. White wrote:

> Hi guys, Chris from Ktown,
> I've been using Voip in cyanogenMod 7.1 RC1 for awhile and I've noticed some
> significant audio delays.
> I've forwarded all ports through my router, etc. yet they persist. . .
> My Google-Fuu brings up a few threads on the issue but no answers. . .  I've
> confirmed the issue by calling to normal telcos, a hardware box on the same
> network, and an echo call that while audio out is fine, there's a delay of
> 1/2 to 1 second for inbound for all calls.
> Any ideas?
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