[olug] need linux

Dan Anderson dan-anderson at cox.net
Wed Jan 26 02:09:45 UTC 2011

That's kind of cool.

Are you running an obsolete computer museum in your basement or are
you trying to work off some bad karma?  :)

In all fairness, if you scraped off the silly unstable mac interface,
it was a decent UNIX for the time.

Do you have a copy of WingZ on it?  WingZ was awesome in 1991.  (Wow -
WingZ is available for linux -
http://www.linuxsoft.cz/en/sw_detail.php?id_item=1323 - I gotta check
that out.)

It's been almost exactly 19 years since I was last on an A/UX box
(Honeywell Bull "Honey Mac" "WIS" workstation)...

So,my recollection may be clouded by advancements over the years.


On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 5:32 PM, Tim & Alethea Larson
<thelarsons3 at cox.net> wrote:
> What's wrong with A/UX?  I'm still running a box...

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