[olug] Connecting Windows7 Home Premium to SAMBA

Paul Lewis phldml3 at cox.net
Sat Jul 16 00:08:25 UTC 2011

I had to buy a new computer and it came with Windoze 7 Home Premium 
version on it.  I connected it to the internet last evening and most 
things worked immediately.  I have shared files on a SAMBA server that 
I'm not able to access from the new machine.  All my searches on the 
internet suggest changes to the 'local security policy' editor, but Win7 
Home Premium doesn't have that on it....so how can I get my computer to 
connect up to the SAMBA Server.

I am able to 'see' the SAMBA server in "My Computer", but when I click 
on it it asks for a userid and pswd.  Under XP and Linux there were 
none.  Any suggestions on which why to progress would be greatly 


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