[olug] smart phones recs / Linux integration

Kevin sharpestmarble at gmail.com
Thu Jun 2 18:05:29 UTC 2011

I used to be pretty happy with my HTC Incredible, up until I coins that MS
got some cash from me for it. Stock OS, non-rooted(I may root after the
warranty runs out).

Only bad thing is the battery life: I've had days where I have to charge it
midday. Thankfully, they've been rare, so most of the time I can get through
the day without having to charge it midday. If anyone knows where I might
find a battery with longer life that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, I would
definitely look at it.
On Jun 2, 2011 10:08 AM, "George De Bruin" <sndchaser at gmail.com> wrote:
> As mentioned the other day - buying HTC is paying for Microsoft's
> mafia-style activities (okay that's my opinion/spin...well, not just mine:
> But, I also had bad luck with a non-Android HTC device (randomly dropped
> calls, random reboots, lockups, etc. which I blame on the OS on the device
> -- guess which OS....<g>).
> I love my original Droid. It has served me very well, even un-rooted. I
> like Motorola devices physically. They tend to feel more solid and better
> constructed than other devices. Battery life for my Droid is actually
> pretty good: 2-3 days with a full charge on the standard battery. The only
> trick is making sure to turn off the GPS and Bluetooth when not in use,
> using a few simple tweaks (like turning down the display brightness).
> The only real negative regarding the Motorola devices: the boot loader is
> locked down. HTC recently announced that they would unlock theirs.
> So, despite the locked down boot loader, I go with Motorola...until I find
> reason to not go with them. I'm due for an upgrade of phones - and I'm
> still trying to decide what to go with... Which actually brings me to a
> different question that I'll put out to everyone in a little bit...
> George
> On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 10:40 PM, Eric P <eric.maillist at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm finally getting around to really wanting a smart phone.
>> I stopped by Verizon today and saw a ton of Android models I've never
>> of. I'm also open to an iPhone, but I know
>> there's no official software support for Linux and I get the feeling that
>> Linux iPhone support (from the open source
>> community) is maybe not all there. I could be wrong.
>> Can anyone tell me their experience using an iPhone 4 on Linux? What can
>> expect to work and what doesn't work?
>> And for Android devices is there anything I can't do under Linux that the
>> "lesser" OSes can do? Anyone have an Android
>> device that they believe is hands down awesome?
>> Thanks for any input...
>> Eric
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